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New Images-Southern Oregon Coast-by Chip Phillips

Pistol River Sunrise

Technical Specs:
Camera: Canon 5D Mark II
Lens: Canon 70-200MM F4 L
Aperture: F13
Focal Length: 70mm
Speed: 112 seconds for the light streaks, and about 3-4 sec. for the sky
ISO: 160
Gitzo tripod, Markins ball head
cable release
B+W circular polarizer

This is an image shot from a high vantage point in Pistol River on the Southern Oregon Coast. I set up well before sunrise because I wanted to capture the light streaks from passing traffic, which takes a very long exposure. With an exposure of a little under 2 minutes, I was able to capture enough lights from passing cars without over exposing the foreground. From there, I exposed a few more images for the dynamic range in the sky. By looking at my highlight clipping warning (shown in the LCD by blinking where the highlights are blown), I am able to quickly expose only the needed exposures until I have captured all of the dynamic range. In post processing, I combined these exposures by hand using my luminosity masking technique for blending exposures.

Technical Specs:
Camera: Canon 5D Mark III
Lens: Canon 16-35mm f2.8L II
Aperture: F22
Focal Length: 16mm
Speed: .5 seconds for the foreground water streaks, and 1/8 second for the sky.
ISO: 100
Gitzo tripod
Markins ball head
cable release
B+W circular polarizer

I found this neat little arch on a remote section of the Southern Oregon Coast. The arch was pretty cool on its own, but I wanted to capture it with some leading lines created by the receding sea, some nice clouds, and a sunstar. The trick was to shoot this location when the tide was right for the waves, and the sun was in the right position to shine through the arch. As you would expect, these conditions don’t come together more than just a couple times each year. I shot many exposures for the waves as they came in and out of the arch. I liked the ones where the water was receding the most. They created nice long leading lines that are an important element of the composition. When I was happy with these, I shot a few more exposures for the sky. I used a very small aperture (F22) to maximize the sunstar, and paid close attention to my highlight warning on my LCD. I blended these exposures together by hand in Photoshop using my luminositly masking technique.

Technical Specs:
Camera Canon 5D Mark III
Lens: Canon 24-105mm F4L
Aperture: F11
Focal Length: 35mm
Speed: 1.3 seconds
ISO: 100
Gitzo tripod
Markins ball head
cable release
B+W circular polarizer

The California coastal Redwoods have always been a location that I look forward to photographing. During every visit I seem to get the same mysterious feeling while walking amongst these giant trees. I was happy to have some mist during this afternoon, which I feel helps portray this mysterious feeling. This is a single exposure, with some pretty basic editing. I used a bit of soft focus, selectively, to amplify the feeling I was experiencing while I was there. I also was careful to keep the mist somewhat cool while keeping the foliage that was lit up by the filtered sunlight a warmer cast. These techniques were easy to do with the use of various masks and painting techniques.

Many techniques used on these images are demonstrated in my recently released set of videos: Image Editing Volume 1
Check out my website for more of my images: Chip Phillips Photography

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