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Through the Lens: Capturing the Art of the Japanese Garden (David Cobb)

“Through the Lens: Capturing the Art of the Japanese Garden” lecture at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Wednesday, August 22, 2018  6-7pm, Chaska, MN.

Through the Lens: Capturing the Art of the Japanese Garden

Art within art: Japanese gardens are an exquisite form of art that have been developed through the centuries, and lend themselves well to another form of art- photography! Join photographer David Cobb as he discusses the art and design of Japanese gardens throughout North America through a virtual tour of his beautiful images. He’ll also share the elements of style and finer points of photographing Japanese gardens. You’ll learn how to really see the Japanese garden- from a unified whole down to the smallest details- and how to best capture their unique beauty through the seasons. After the talk and time for questions, join David, garden guides, and other Japanese garden aficionados to explore and photograph the Arboretum’s own Japanese Garden with new eyes.


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